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The Role of American Job Centers (AJCs) in Promoting Access to Good Jobs for All

People with disabilities play a crucial role in strengthening America’s economy. To support this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) theme, Access to Good Jobs for All, we recognize the role of the American Job Center (AJC) Network. Under the vision of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), AJCs and their partners provide access and opportunities to all job seekers, including individuals with barriers to employment that is inclusive of individuals with disabilities, to prepare for, obtain, retain, and advance in high-quality jobs. This webinar will spotlight four AJCs located in communities within the states of New York and Colorado. Panel presenters will provide insights on the services the AJCs provide, share a roadmap for accessing AJC services, discuss the critical role of partnerships in service delivery, and highlight the creative integration of universal design principles to ensure meaningful access to all customers using AJC services.


Think College: College to Career: Inclusive Internship Support and Student Success

Join us to learn practical strategies for enhancing internship programs for students with intellectual disability. We’ll cover how to support internship sites in creating a positive and inclusive environment, the importance of continuous feedback, and ways to foster student self-advocacy.

We’ll begin with a presentation from former Think College intern Rachel Adams-Duffy, who will share her personal journey from college student to professional advocate. Rachel’s story highlights how internships can open doors to career success and foster self-advocacy.


Recapping Significant 2024 IDEA Legal Decisions

Join us as Art Cernosia provides his review and analysis of the implications of IDEA legal developments within the last year. Both new federal policy and judicial decisions with broad implications under the IDEA will be covered. Participant questions will be addressed throughout the webinar. This webinar will be archived on the CADRE website.


Effective communication with the IEP team

This workshop will teach parents how to effectively collaborate with their child’s IEP team. Participants will learn how to have productive discussions at IEP meetings and engage in their child’s educational planning.
