Support Group for parents of k-12 special needs
Virtual4th Wednesday of every month-mornings
English Speaking
Support group for families of special needs kids k-12.
To find in-person events in your area, first use the map below to find out which region you are in. Click on the drop-down menu for your region and click on “Find Events.” The calendar will show which events are near you!
Is there an autism-related event happening in your area? Please add it to our calendar to get the word out! You can also send us events that you would like to add to the calendar using our “Contact Us” page.
4th Wednesday of every month-mornings
English Speaking
Support group for families of special needs kids k-12.
This interest group is intended for post-high school adults who fulfill the player pre-requisites outlined below:
Participants need to have played Dungeons and Dragons before either at AANE or elsewhere.
They must also be familiar with character creation, general rules of D&D Edition 5, cooperation within a team, and following campaign rules and storyline.
Each participant is expected to attend all 8 meetings in order to help his/her team advance as far as possible in the campaign.
This interest series will be using a campaign selected by the Dungeon Masters. Participants must agree to follow the rules of the campaign at all times.
Because this is an interactive/collaborative game. Participants need to be able to participate fully in each game session.
Please note that this is a two-step process (application and registration). If you are interested in this group, please submit the application above.
January 22
February 5
February 19
March 5
March 19
April 2
April 16
April 30
The Advisory Council on Services to Persons with Intellectual or other Developmental Disabilities of the Division of Developmental Disabilities Georgia Department of Behavior Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) will hold its Quarterly Meeting on January 22, 2025 from 10:00am - 12:00pm. This will be a virtual meeting.
The role of the IDD Advisory Council is to advise DBHDD on matters relating to the care, services and supports offered to people with intellectual/developmental disabilities served by the DBHDD.
Registration as an observer and/or to submit public comment is required:
This is an open event. Please contact Bruce Lindemann with questions.
This 8-week gender inclusive support group is for LGBTQIA+ women, femmes, and nonbinary people. In this group members can build an ongoing connection with a small community.
AANE support groups give members an opportunity to celebrate successes and support each other through difficulties. Common topics of discussion are:
– Masking/camouflaging
– Sensory sensitivities/overloads
– Relationships
– Self-care
– Disclosure
– Work/jobs
– Intersectionality
January 8
January 15
January 22
January 29
February 5
February 12
February 19
February 26
Whether you are a leader, mentor, manager, or coach, you know that building relationships with the people you work with is key. And you know that the way you work with them shapes the way they work, and their own wellbeing too. Focusing on their strengths in your conversations with them can help build collaborative, trusting relationships that inspire confidence, nurture practice change, and unleash professional growth. This workshop series offers strategies you can use to further cultivate and sustain a strengths-based approach in your leadership, mentorship and coaching role.
In this course, participants will learn:
How to take the other person’s perspective to support a strengths-based approach
How to identify where staff start and how they are advancing in their learning process
How to highlight and appreciate staff strengths in your interactions with them
Strategies that can help you deepen your connections with staff
Christina Mondi-Rago, PhD
Intended Audience:
All professionals who serve in a leadership, management, coach, or mentor role, including directors, supervisors, coaches, peer or team leaders, and education or mental health consultants
Course format:
2-part workshop series, 3 hours each, totaling 6 hours of training
January 22 & 23, 1-4 pm ET / 10-1 pm PT
Live Spanish translation and closed captioning available
Participants receive a certificate of participation
AANE is offering an 8-week virtual group for Autistic and similarly neurodivergent teens aged 14-16. This group provides a secure and inclusive environment where teens can foster connections and engage with one another in a facilitated setting
January 8
January 15
January 22
January 29
February 5
February 12
February 19
February 26
Do you find yourself experiencing waves of discomfort and extreme emotions throughout the day? Is this interfering with your ability to do what you want and need to do every day? Or maybe you want to better understand how your sensory needs impact you. Come learn some helpful strategies to manage these highs and lows and how to stop them before they happen so you can find more control in your day.
Reunase personalmente con un especialista en apoyo familiar de Care Parent Network y obtenga respuestas a sus preguntas
15 minutos
English Speaking
Meet 1:1 with a Care Parent Network Family Support Specialist and get your question answered
Register here for a 15 minute time slot
Want to flex your creative muscles and share and discuss writing? The Online Creative Writers’ Group is an online 7 session workshop where participants will have an opportunity to share writing and offer feedback. We welcome writers of all creative genres—from short stories to poetry, screenplays, fan fiction, and more. This workshop is not an instructional class but rather a chance to connect and network with other writers. Whether you are working on a new piece or want to revisit an old one, here is your test audience. One session will feature talks by two published authors, including graphic novelists, playwrights, children’s book writers and more, all of whom have a connection to Autism. Hope you can join us!
January 15
January 22
January 29
February 5
February 12
February 19
February 26
This interest group is intended for post-high school adults who fulfill the player pre-requisites outlined below:
Participants need to have played Dungeons and Dragons before either at AANE or elsewhere.
They must also be familiar with character creation, general rules of D&D Edition 5, cooperation within a team, and following campaign rules and storyline.
Each participant is expected to attend all 8 meetings in order to help his/her team advance as far as possible in the campaign.
This interest series will be using a campaign selected by the Dungeon Masters. Participants must agree to follow the rules of the campaign at all times.
Because this is an interactive/collaborative game. Participants need to be able to participate fully in each game session.
Please note that this is a two-step process (application and registration). If you are interested in this group, please submit the application above.
(formerly Fitchburg, MA) Come to socialize, and play games! This event is open to anyone and is a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and welcome many new AANE members!
Click on your region below to find events in your area.