Whether you are a leader, mentor, manager, or coach, you know that building relationships with the people you work with is key. And you know that the way you work with them shapes the way they work, and their own wellbeing too. Focusing on their strengths in your conversations with them can help build collaborative, trusting relationships that inspire confidence, nurture practice change, and unleash professional growth. This workshop series offers strategies you can use to further cultivate and sustain a strengths-based approach in your leadership, mentorship and coaching role.
In this course, participants will learn:
How to take the other person’s perspective to support a strengths-based approach
How to identify where staff start and how they are advancing in their learning process
How to highlight and appreciate staff strengths in your interactions with them
Strategies that can help you deepen your connections with staff
Christina Mondi-Rago, PhD
Intended Audience:
All professionals who serve in a leadership, management, coach, or mentor role, including directors, supervisors, coaches, peer or team leaders, and education or mental health consultants
Course format:
2-part workshop series, 3 hours each, totaling 6 hours of training
January 22 & 23, 1-4 pm ET / 10-1 pm PT
Live Spanish translation and closed captioning available
Participants receive a certificate of participation