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Spectrum Events

Spectrum Events: Connecting, Educating, and Celebrating Diversity

Online “Open” Support Group for Adults

This support group is for Autistic adults (18+) who are post k-12. Through this support group, members can connect with a variety of participants.

AANE support groups give members an opportunity to celebrate successes and support each other through difficulties. Common topics of discussion are:

Sensory sensitivities/overloads
Advanced registration is required.


Online “Open” Team Trivia Night for Adults

Please join us for a virtual trivia event. We will be playing trivia together by joining a live virtual event outside of AANE. We have historically done very well and no matter what, we have a good time.


La Hora del Cuento [Virtual]

¡Nuestros especialistas en desarrollo infantil se alegran en ofrecerle a usted y a sus hijos una emocionante lectura de cuentos virtual!

Durante nuestras sesiones interactivas leeremos libros, cantaremos canciones, moveremos nuestros cuerpos y nos conectaremos con otros niños y cuidadores. Cada día leeremos una historia diferente que involucrará a los niños mientras exploran el mundo que los rodea.

Es necesario registrarse. ¡Complete el formulario de registro de participantes de Story Time para reservar su lugar!

Para obtener más información, envíe un correo electrónico a


Online “Open” Support Group for Women (50+)

Join us monthly for an open support group that offers Autistic women, age 50+ an opportunity to come together to explore issues such as:

Receiving a diagnosis later in life
Masking and Camouflaging
Finding Support; Building and Maintaining Relationships
Challenges Post Menopause; Decline of Executive Functioning
Mid-Life Identity
Managing Stress and Coping Strategies


Online “Open” Workshop – Introduction to Autism for Adults

A presentation and discussion for Autistic adults to come and explore their understanding of autism through a neurological lens. We will discuss common misconceptions, the Autistic identity, and common Autistic traits, strengths, and challenges. This presentation is given by an Autistic adult and a Neurodivergent ally. You might enjoy this presentation and discussion if you are newly diagnosed, considering whether you may be autistic, or if you have only explored autism through a deficit lens in the past.


Online “Open” Workshop – Introduction to Autism for Families

This 90-minute workshop will address common misconceptions, investigate Autistic identity, and explore Autistic traits, strengths, and challenges. This presentation will provide insights into your child’s neurotype, preparing you with an informed mindset for raising an Autistic child. Parents, family members, and caregivers of individuals who are potentially Autistic are also encouraged to attend.


Online “Open” Jackbox Game Night for Adults

Join us for camaraderie and fun! We will be playing a variety of Jackbox games that we will select as a group! Most games fit about 8 participants, but are still a blast to watch! We rotate through both games and players to have a great time together!


Online “Closed” Support Group for Women (40-60)

This “closed” support group is designed for Autistic women (40-60) looking to build an ongoing connection with a small community of other women. This “closed” support group also gives women an opportunity to voice their concerns and frustrations and lets them acknowledge hard-won and unexpected victories. Common topics of discussion are:

Sensory sensitivities/overloads


Online “Closed” Support Group for Parents of Adults (23+)

This “closed” support group is for parents who have an Autistic adult child 23+ years of age. Other adult family caregivers may also register for this group. “Closed” support groups are ideal for parents and other adult family caregivers who want to go beyond sharing their stories with newcomers each time at open support group meetings.

AANE support groups provide an opportunity for parents and family caregivers to voice their concerns and frustrations and celebrate hard-won and unexpected victories. Although each group will focus on different themes and questions, here are some of the most common ones:

Now that your child is an adult, how do you support and/or parent without power?
How do you keep the lines of communication open?
How can you help the Autistic adult find and sustain employment and live independently?
How do you motivate them to expand their social network?
What types of services have other families used and what were the results?
How have other members tapped into health, income, housing, and other benefits?

8 week series. Advanced registration is required.


Online “Open” Support Group for Men

This group offers a safe environment where men can talk with like-minded people, share issues and concerns, and celebrate successes.


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Submit your event for consideration. We will contact you for additional details.