17th Annual Bird Dog Breakaway
Welcome to the 17th Annual Bird Dog Breakaway. We are so glad you are here to Run the Race with us. The BDB consisted of a 5K run, a 2 mile walk, and several children’s runs, including an Adaptive Run/Walk for our CFNB kids! We are going Bigger this year with a new location..…… We are proud to announce we are joining forces with the Burke Co. Recreation Dept and the Waynesboro YMCA to bring you the largest Bird Dog Breakaway yet: New race route, bigger Kidzone and more vendor spaces!! Our race will start at the YMCA and loop around the Burke Co. schools. All proceeds from the BDB will assist with our Waynesboro Clinic Building Renovations thus allowing us to better serve our clients and their families. The Center For New Beginnings provides services to children and adolescents with special needs. Currently more than 100 children and families are served at the Center’s three locations, with disabilities ranging from general academic related problems to specific disorders such as, but not limited to, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, and Emotional/Behavioral Disorders.
It is through participants like you that make our event a huge success each year. By helping with our biggest fundraiser, you have made a big difference in the lives of many special-needs children. One of our guiding principles is that we seek to create a “team approach” by serving as a bridge between families and service providers. Thank you for joining our team for this year’s race. For more information about us and our events please check out our website www.nbeginnings.org.