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Spectrum Events

Spectrum Events: Connecting, Educating, and Celebrating Diversity

Freeing the “Anxious Generation” From the Harms of a Phone-Based Childhood


Gen Z is the first generation in history to go through puberty with portals in their pockets that call them away from the people nearby and into an alternative universe that is exciting, addictive, and unstable. Zach Rausch, lead researcher for the #1 New York Times bestseller The Anxious Generation, will argue that the decline of independence, responsibility, and free play in childhood and the rise of smartphone and social media use among adolescents is driving the youth mental health crisis that is impacting teens in nations all across the world. Drawing on research from numerous academic fields, he will provide concrete solutions that will help parents and teens to escape out of the social traps they find themselves in.

Learning Objectives
Critically review and analyze adolescent mental health trends to improve the quality of care for young people in treatment.
Better manage adolescent mental health struggles by incorporating collective action solutions that can reduce overprotection in the real world and underprotection online.
Evaluate causal claims related to the impact of digital technology on youth mental health.


Employment Workshop – Apprenticeships and Trades for Adults


If continuing your academic studies past high school is not attractive or achievable, there are alternatives, regardless of your age! You may want to consider jobs that are more “hands on” such as being a jeweler, brick mason, electrician, dental assistant or elevator mechanic. The world needs individuals with practical skills and certain trades can be very lucrative. Come to this session if you want to explore the options regarding apprenticeships and vocational training. It might be that earning as you learn, with mentorship and oversight is the right solution for your future career.

*Please note that this event will be recorded. The recording will be sent out to registrants a few days after the live event and participants can watch the recording for up to 30 days.


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